Yuc’anti Xiii

Planet: Yuc’anti Xiii

Feral Class World

Capital City: Tikal

The populations of feral worlds have long ago regressed to primal savagery, often over very long periods of isolation. The technological level of these worlds remains pre-black powder or even Stone Age. Often the population consists of hunter-gatherer societies using primitive tools and weapons, and in almost all cases human culture is based around the interactions of various tribes, gangs or creeds.

The harsh conditions which feral world populations have adapted to makes them ideal recruitment sources for the Imperial Guard and Adeptus Astartes. Occasionally the inhabitants of feral worlds have been pressed into the Imperial Guard when their world lay inside a war zone, and the chosen warriors been given rudimentary training in the operation of laser or stub-weaponry. It is more common, however, for feral world natives to be selected for the various Adeptus Astartes recruitment programs. Feral world Guardsmen are usually tribal warriors tithed to the Imperial Guard by the elders of their particular clan. They are sometimes trained en masse in vast drill camps or ship holds, whilst others are merely shown a lasgun and trusted to get on with it. Also, there are those instructed by members of their tribe, using rote-learned rites and religious rituals.

Yuc’anti Xiii is a large, feral world located Just beyond the Great Rift, also known as the Cicatrix Maledictum of the Segmentum Solar. For long ages of the world, the mysterious prime planet of the Yuc’ant system has remained hidden to outsiders. This is not by accident or by some geographical oddity, but rather by strong Warp Storms. Those that manage to pass through the storms find other dangers of the Yuc’anti system— Yuc’anti Xiii coasts are home to treacherous tides, unnatural eddies and typhoons of great power. In its clear blue waters lurk scaled reptilian beasts whose jaws can splinter even the toughest ceramite.

While the waters surrounding the continents of Yuc’anti Xiii are perilous, the whole of the large continent is one of the most hostile regions in the entire system. The majority of its landmass is covered in jungle, a dark abode where death comes in myriad guises. Mighty, prehistoric carnivores rule the forests — some actively stalking their prey, while others lurk in ambush, awaiting whatever wanders close. No less deadly are the jungle’s smaller killers; everywhere, debilitating parasites lurk, awaiting their opportunity to latch onto a new host, and the humid air buzzes with swarms of blood-sucking insects so voracious they can exsanguinate a man before his body can collapse to the forest floor.

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