A Foreward

 First off let me say thanks for taking an interest in my project. I have a strong passion for archeology and the Meso-American cultures; specifically the Mayan. In the armoury page I post resources for this project, if you ever want to do some of your own Jade Vipers, I want the recourses to be available easily.

Now all that said, "Homebrew" chapters are hard, in fact its my personally belief that many ideas or project people have fail. I think it stems from the fact I've seen so many project revolve around more than just a colour scheme. I think if you want your "Homebrew" chapter to succeed as a project you have to dive in head first and go as deep as you can. I send message after annoying message to my best friend bouncing ideas off of him; what may seem cool to me may not work on the lore level of the project so its always a good idea to bounce ideas off someone who isn't working that project. "Why does my chapter look like this? Where do they come from? Do they have rituals? History?" In fact the list the backstory never seems to end, which is the joy and curse of 40k lore, gaming and building. 

Now I'm not saying all "Homebrew" chapters suck or that they all fail, but a lot do. In fact my first chapter when I started in 2nd edition was a horrid failure.(Ill find a pic and post it later) What I am saying is do the "homebrew" chapters, they are great fun and fan the flames to an overall awesome community, don't let others ridicule you but make sure to do your homework. If you ever need help, reach out the community or myself included lets have fun, lets get the creative juices flowing and most of all "Let the Emperor Protect" on your endeavors to create the fun project you want.

Now before you dive into the world of Yuc'anti Xiii, make sure to go with an open mind. I try my best to stick to lore and fluff of the wonderful cannon Games Workshop has created. I've been a part of the Warhammer world since 2nd edition; for all the "Oldhammers" who come across this page you may recall the lost land of Lustria.

Lost Land of Lustria

Lustria is probably one of the driving forces of this project. I spent countless hours as a boy reading about the adventures we could have in Lustria with our armies; so long as we mowed enough lawns to afford them. 

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