The Lacerta'n Cannibals


  The Lacerta'n Cannibals of Yuc'Anti, sometimes known as the Cold Ones, are an ancient, savage, intelligent race of cold-blooded, reptilian humanoids that were at one time the first and oldest civilization of inhabitants of the world of Yuc'Anti. Long before the rise of men, monsters, the empire of the Lacerta'n ruled supreme. Alien, enigmatic, and without mercy, the Lacerta'n were there when it all began and will be there when the world draws its last dying breath, never tiring nor relenting until order is finally restored to this uncaring, chaotic world. Such is what they were made to do, for they are the ancient servants of the Old Ones, the one true protectors of this very world.

    Once, in a long and forgotten age, the Lacerta'n ruled over it all, dominating this ancient world of Yuc'Anti during an age of primeval monsters. Although their realm is now partly in ruins and overgrown, they seek once more to rise up and reclaim that which they have lost many millennia ago. While the task at hand remains near impossible, the empire of the Lacerta'n still fights on -- unleashing their cold-blooded savagery upon the aliens that have come to their world and anyone else who would stand in the way of their sacred mission.

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