The Council of the Vipers

High Ah K'in - Akbit, Keeper of the Cursed

High Ah K'in, Akbit

"Akbit the Keeper of the Cursed" is the High Ah K'in(Blood) Priest and Keeper of the Cursed, the Jade Viper Space Marine tasked with granting the Emperor's Peace to all those of his fellow Astartes who bear the curse and have been overcome by the genetic disease known as the Curse of the Tiger.

There is no station within the Jade Viper's Chapter more greatly honoured or more deeply loathed: honoured for the burden the Keeper of the Cursed bears as he carries out his difficult but necessary duties; loathed because that duty is stained forever with the blood of his fellow Battle-Brothers. 

In battle, Akbit is a true master of death, a sombre, Crozius Arcanum-wielding figure who shepherds the madmen at his side to a final, meaningful end.

"Akbit's Will" - Kill Team

The personal guard of Ah K'in Akbit, formally called the Holy Order of the Jaguar, is a secret organization that exists outside the standard administrative hierarchy of the Jade Viper Adeptus Astartes.

They act as the secret force of Akbit, hunting down any and all of the myriad threats to the stability of the Jade Viper's realm, from the corruption caused by the forces of Chaos, Heretics, mutants and rebels, to assaults from vicious alien species like the Tyranids, Orks or Drukhari and sometimes even within the chapter itself.

The air fills with flesh-chewing explosions as the "Akbit's Will" Kill-team's marksmen open fire. Every bolt and frag charge is selected and aimed to cause maximum damage to lightly-armoured foes. Whole swarms of xenos can be taken down by the storm of bolts and shells the "Akbit's Will" team rains upon its foes as its main assault closes in, and explosive bolts sow anarchy and confusion amongst the ranks. Where the enemy still threatens the Imperial lines through sheer weight of numbers, the team’s close combat specialists will charge in at the last moment. With voices raised in praise to the Emperor, they dismember the survivors with obsinite blades, ritual daggers and hammers. The forward elements of the "Akbit's Will" team drive onwards with each new charge, breaking enemy offensives one after another.

Ahau - Chapter Master Och-Kan

Ahau Och-Kan The Ahau is the Jade Viper's equivalent of a Chapter Master. 

The Ahau is generally considered only a steward of the Chapter rather than its true lord, since he is only awaiting the return of the Emperor whom the Chapter believe to be their one true Liege Lord. 

Och-Kan was originally the highest ranking Greyshield at the time of the Jade Vipers founding and was elevated to the rank of Chapter Master by Robute Guilliman himself upon the creation of the Chapter. Och-Kan is the second oldest Astartes in the Chapter only Akibit has served the Imperium longer than the grizzled Veteran. Och-Kan is also the only person other than Guilliman to know the real origin Chapter of Akibit before he became a Jade Viper. 

Upon his elevation to Chapter Master Och-Kan was bestowed an ancient relic lightning claw named Ch'Ahb' by Akbit, Keeper of the Cursed; a gift worthy of great heroes.

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